DBXV2 PQ122 Challenge- Zamasu with his Festival Skill

Описание к видео DBXV2 PQ122 Challenge- Zamasu with his Festival Skill

Welcome back everyone! Today's run will be with the mean green god himself Zamasu.

Zamasu is another surprisingly good character and his festival skill is actually not bad at all (unlike SOME). Turning his signature ult into a more anime accurate counterattack was honestly a neat call, and it works well for his overall kit. Zamasu gets pretty much all you could ask for with his options and is just really solid overall. If he had more specialized stats besides Ki A, he'd be kinda busted, especially if Combo C was an option since his basic attack damage is pretty good even with Ki A being his lowest basic damage option.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy! Gogeta Blue will be next and is the final festival skill to show off, and I hope you all tune in again to see it. See you again soon!

Playlist of previous runs:    • My DBXV2 PQ Challenge Runs  


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