This Expat Life #56: My 3 biggest insights in California that led to a breakthrough

Описание к видео This Expat Life #56: My 3 biggest insights in California that led to a breakthrough

In this episode I share 3 big insights that might be interesting for you too. There’s a long intro about the trip itself - Want to go straight to the insights? Skip to minute 13:30

I went on a business & leisure trip to California and left with 3 big insights that led to a breakthrough when I got home. Insights that I think might be useful for other high-achieving, self-reliant & rational globetrotters. These were things I sort of already KNEW, but this time I could really FEEL them. And in order for insights to really change something in our lives or to lead to a breakthrough, we really need to embody them, not just understand them rationally. Truly feeling them has enabled a paradigm shift in me and a breakthrough internally (changes are coming!).

I wouldn’t be able to have experienced these insights so profoundly if it weren’t for the people around me on this trip. Because alone you can go far, but together you can go much further - and deeper. That’s why I’m also so excited about my own upcoming live event in Amsterdam on 28 September!

Join us for a fun afternoon of coaching and leave with valuable insights, renewed energy and a bigger network of like-minded people. Sign up here:


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