2019 12 02 FCCT What next for the Future Forward Party and its leader? An evening with Thanathorn Ju

Описание к видео 2019 12 02 FCCT What next for the Future Forward Party and its leader? An evening with Thanathorn Ju

What next for the Future Forward Party and its leader? An evening with Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit
The Nov. 20 ruling by Thailand’s Constitutional Court disqualifying Future Forward Party leader Thanathorn Juangroongruangki as a member of parliament has raised crucial questions over the future of the party and its charismatic leader.

The court ruled that Thanathorn broke the law by holding shares in a media company at the time of registering to run in the March general election. Thanathorn maintains he complied with regulations, and says the ruling was politically motivated.

More action is likely to follow against Thanathorn and possibly other MPs. The Election Commission has said it is considering whether to file criminal charges with the Supreme Court against the Future Forward leader in a related case for violating Section 151 of the Members of the House of Representatives Election Act 2018. The charge could carry a jail term. Thanathorn has meanwhile filed a lawsuit against all seven election commissioners for malfeasance. The Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases will decide whether to accept the case on Dec. 3.

Thanathorn has vowed to remain party leader and continue his political role outside parliament pressing for constitutional amendments and key bills, particularly on the issue of military conscription, which his party wants to scrap.

Future Forward came third in the elections with 6.2 million votes, winning 80 seats in parliament and one more in a subsequent by-election. Thanathorn has since emerged as the main voice of opposition to the military-dominated government.

In his first discussion with foreign media since the ruling, he will discuss his views and take questions from the audience.


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