Top Grade Analysis of Sybil Birling in An Inspector Calls (Mr Salles)

Описание к видео Top Grade Analysis of Sybil Birling in An Inspector Calls (Mr Salles)

Mr Salles Guide to An Inspector Calls:
0:00 Intro
0:20 The conventional interpretation about capitalism
0:54 The morality play and Christian symbolism
1:29 Class prejudice
2:30 Why Priestley makes her the last person to interact with Eva
2:57 Why was she called Sybil - link to Greek Myth
5:00 Wilful blindness in a patriarchal society
6:47 Is Sybil most to blame? No
8:17 Link to the Welfare State
10:25 Why Sybil is right to disbelieve Eva
13:50 Vote Labour
14:20 See it in paragraphs
15:10 Her prejudice towards her own grandchild
15:28 summary of the argument for an essay

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Learn how Sybil is a symbol of pride from the morality play, a symbol of class prejudice and seems to be the one most to blame for Eva's death.
Then learn how in fact she is not the most to blame, why she represents the need for a welfare state in the election of 1945, and how her name is used as a powerful and ironic reference to the Greek myth which Priestley's audience would understand!
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