यमराज का अनोखा अतिथि | नचिकेता | Nachiketa | PART 1 |

Описание к видео यमराज का अनोखा अतिथि | नचिकेता | Nachiketa | PART 1 |

नचिकेता | PART 1 | Katopnishad
Stories from UPNISHADS | नचिकेता को ३ वरदान
PART 2►   • यमराज  का अनोखा अतिथि | नचिकेता | PAR...  

Rishi Vajasravasa gave away all his possessions to gain religious merit.
He had a son named Nachiketa who, though only a boy, had full faith in the scriptures.
When the offerings were made in the Yagna, Nachiketa thought:
"What merit can one obtain by giving away old cows who are unable to give milk?"

To help his father understand this, Nachiketa asked him: "To whom will you offer me?"
He asked this again and again, thereby irritating his father.
His father answered in anger: "To death I give you!"

Nachiketa decided to go to YAMA (the king of death) to die; the first of many who will die, in the midst of many who are dying......

#nachiketa, #sanatanadharmam


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