Sarek Winter Crossing, 10 Days to Kvikkjokk

Описание к видео Sarek Winter Crossing, 10 Days to Kvikkjokk

Sarek Winter Crossing, 10 Days to Kvikkjokk.
Impressions of a winter solo tour on backcountry skis and snow shoes through beautiful Sarek National Park in Swedish Laponia (Norbotten). March 12 - 23, 2021.

Kebnats/ Saltoluokta Fjällstation (Kungsleden, road BD827 to Ritsem, served by LTN Bus 93 from Gälivare Train Station. This bus will run only seasonal starting about Feb. 20th for the winter season. Note: this bus line will not show in published schedules until February),
Pietsjaure (also: Bietsávrre),
Liehtjitjávrre (also: Lietit-Jaure),
Bierikjávrre (also: Pierikjaure),
Rapadalen (also: Ráhpavuobme),
Kvikkjokk (Kungsleden, road BD805, LTN Bus 47 to Jokkmokk all year service leaving at 5am from Kvikkjokk :-).
Total distance of this tour was about 108 Km.
I did not see anyone after Pietsjaure or saw any scooter/ ski tracks until about 10 Km before arriving in Kvikkjokk.
Temperatures were between 0 and -15 degrees Celsius, but mostly around minus 6 degrees during daytime. Most days were sunny.
This video has some map animations and locations like mountains are tagged/ identified for anyone interested this area. Editing is chronological. No commentaries/ talking, just visuals and on location sound.

You can download the topographical map of Sarek here:
Maps of the surrounding areas you can access here:
Or have a quick look inside your browser here:
You can also download topographical maps on your iphone. Search for the free App in the appstore “Swedish Mountain Maps” or “Fjällkartan” and install. Map tiles are free to download from inside the app.

If anyone is interested going on this route: I felt there are NO special skills or a great physical condition required to do this however I had very good equipment. For the 30 degree ascend to Luohttoláhko from Sarvesvagge - it is icy and not safe to do without crampons/ snow shoes. With a pulka it would also be too steep for going the other way round downhill to Sarvesvagge. Noajdevágge is most likely not safe due to possible avalanches (my opinion). Njoatsojåhkkå involves a lot of criss crossing snowbridges over the river and lengthy excursions into dense birches with soft snow so to avoid rock formations along the river and some water falls which you will not find in maps (check satelite images).

You will find the following location tags in this Video:
Pietsjaure East Side, 645m (also: Bietsávrre,Petsaure)
Rásek, 1092m
Lulep Gierkav 1139m
Pietsjaure (Bietsávrre,Petsaure), 645m West Side
Gasska Gierkav, 950m
Sluggá 1279m
Rásek, 1092m
Lulep Gierkav 1139m
Alep Gierkav 986m
Sluggá 1279m
Vuovres 1328m
Ruopsoktjåhkkå 1853m
Njavvetjåhkkå 1392m
Dágartjåhkkå 1671m
Ruopsok 1611m
Niendooalgge 1008m
Stuorvárre 1061m
Hállji 1354m
Dágarttjåhkkå 1671m
Ähpártjåhkkå 1914m
Vuoinestjåhkkå 1976m
Niendotjåhkkå 1444m
Niendooalgge 1008m
Sarvatjåhkkå 1909m
Ruopsoktjåhkkå 1853
Njoammeltjåhkkå 1045m
Sjuodji 1089m
Niendotjåhkkå 1444m
Niendooalgge 1008m
Stuorvárre 1061m
Ruopsok 1611m
Sluggá 1279m
Niendotjåhkkå 1444m
Niendooalgge 1008m
Ähpár 1874m
Liehtjitjávrre (also: Lietit-Jaure) 788m
Sarvatjåhkkå 1909m-
Vuojnesluobbala (also: Vuoinesluobblalah) 794m
Sarek Mountain Range
Ähpár Mountain Range
Bierikbákte 1789m
South Peak Sarvatjåhkkå 1694m
Bierikvárásj 990m
Bierikbákte 1789m
Sarvatjåhkkå 1909m
Sarvalåbddå 1100m
Bierikjávrre (also: Pierikjaure) 801m
Rapadalen (Ráhpavuobme)
Sydtoppen 2023m
Svarta Spetsen 1820m
Tjåggnåris 1643m
Alep Stuollo 1805m
Ráhpajåhkå (also: Ráhpaädno, Rapaälven, Ráhpajávrre)
Sjielmágiedde 660m
Låddebákte 1537m
Stuor Skoarkki 1719m
Soabbetjåhkkå 1821m
Bårddetjåhkkå 2007m
Bálgattjåhkkå 2016m
Tsähkkok North Peak 1798m
Jiegnatjåhkkå 1886m
Tsahtsa 1852m
Ryggåsberget 1946m
Goabrekbákte 1076m
Nåite (also Noajdda) 1620m
Skájdetjåhkkå 1827m
Dielmáskájdde 620m
Sarvesvágge East End 640m
Luohttoláhko 1200m
Luohttotjåhkkå 1875m
Rijddatjåhkkå 1944m
Bielloriehppe 1817m
Pårte/ Bårdde Mountain Range
Njoatsovágge 700m
Tjoares 776m
Njoatsosjåhkå (also: Kamajokk)
Änok 390m
Gamájåhkå (also: Kamajokk) 380m

Translations for location names you can find here:


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