GeoPython 2024 Workshop: GeoData Validation with PyTest

Описание к видео GeoPython 2024 Workshop: GeoData Validation with PyTest

Michal Pilarski, Mateusz Adamczak
GeoData Validation with PyTest
2024-05-27, 11:35–13:35, Room 2

GeoData Validation is crucial to keep High Data Quality (HDQ). HDQ guarantees data integrity, prevents errors, and enhances system performance, safeguarding against potential financial losses or reputational damage caused by flawed or inconsistent data.

GeoData validation is a crucial aspect of ensuring the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of geographic information used in various applications. When working with GeoData, validating its integrity and correctness becomes essential to prevent errors that could lead to misleading analyses or flawed decisions. PyTest (Python Testing Framework) can be used to systematically verify the GeoData's Quality.
PyTest offers a robust platform to create test cases and assertions that validate GeoData. Through this framework, developers can craft test functions specifically tailored to examine different aspects of GeoData, mainly such as geometric accuracy, attribute consistency, format correctness and data completeness.
The proposed workshop is the the opportunity for participants to practically go through process of validating geospatial data. Therefore, the workshop is based mostly on tech stack as: Pytest, Geopandas, MatPlotLib, Folium configured in PyCharm IDE. Additionally, free GIS Software as QGIS is useful to display data on the map. To completely close testing workflow, Jenkins CI gives us opportunity of full automation reporting tests executions for projects requirements.


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