ORISA IS BROKEN....... | Overwatch 2

Описание к видео ORISA IS BROKEN....... | Overwatch 2

Orisa can counter almost everybody in this game and she is actually not hard to learn how to play. She is really fun to play and can be really

Preview: (0:00)
intro: (0:38)
best strat in the game: (0:49)
I love my friends: (2:17)
I got fucking triple ulted: (4:43)
the 1 random was throwing: (5:51)
you don't need me?: (7:38)
who do you think I am?: (8:17)
Why was The tanks there!: (8:34)
New meta dropped = Reinhog: (9:05)
where was the comms?!: (9:27)
Bhuvan catching strays: (9:47)
how the fuck is Zenyatta classified as a healer: (9:58)
I had beef with that guy: (10:35)
I survived 2 ults I take that: (11:11)
outro: (13:27)

Intro song: Abandon ship by Simon Chylinski (Subnautica official soundtrack)
   • Abandon Ship  

Outro: Marceline by Lil god dan    • "MARCELINE" by Lil God Dan (official ...  

friends in this video: ‪@touch6725‬‪@BAhuven‬


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