Reliant 850 Trike - SU HS2 Carburettor Cleaning and Basic Set Up

Описание к видео Reliant 850 Trike - SU HS2 Carburettor Cleaning and Basic Set Up

Might as well strip the carb and give it a good clean before refitting it. I'll be honest and a lot of this is complete guess work for me as I don't like doing carbs as a rule but lets give it a shot.

Link for the guide:

It was a bit gungy...

The dashpot oil level is a complete guess.

TBH I haven't got a clue and shouldn't be let out in public alone.

I'll have a go at setting up and basic tuning in another video.

I'm pretty sure this is the HS2 1.25" but I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time.


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