The Elbe valley - Rail traffic -- Sandstone Mountains Nationalpark - Scenic towns and live nature 4K

Описание к видео The Elbe valley - Rail traffic -- Sandstone Mountains Nationalpark - Scenic towns and live nature 4K

National parks Saxon and Bohemian Switzerland (Sächsische Schweiz) between north Czechia and Germany.
Rail traffic at the Czech Republic / Germany border railway line Děčín - Bad Schandau - Dresden.
1,5 hours of intensive freight and passenger train traffic in a particularly beautiful scenery natural environment of the Elbe river valley between the steep Sandstone edges of the nature parks.

Featured locations where videos were recorded:
The city of Děčín
The great bridge between Děčín hlavní nádraží and Děčín východ and railway station Děčín
Railway tunnel "Ovčí stěna"
Railway tunnel "Červená skála"
Děčín-Prostřední Žleb
Děčín-Čertova Voda
Dolní Žleb zastávka
Pedestrian and bicycle trail border crossing (Grenzübergang Elbradweg) between the Czech Republic and Germany
Schmilka - Hirschmühle
Bad Schandau
Railroad level crossings and station Kurort Rathen

The entire landscape is fulfilled and enriched by special natural features, gray - black rock figures of sand and stone mountains cliffs.

Recording was done on the stretch of the narrow Elbe gorge (Kaňon Labe) between Decin and the town of Pirna in Germany, in early spring and summer time.
Recording dates:
April 2022.
July 2023.


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