【Shiki Miyoshino x Caitlin Myers】GETCHA! - Giga & KIRA【Cover】

Описание к видео 【Shiki Miyoshino x Caitlin Myers】GETCHA! - Giga & KIRA【Cover】

FINALLY!!!!!!!! I was finally able to sing a duet with one of my longest running friends online!! Caitlin is so precious to me, and this duet is a really long time coming!! (I am so sorry I took so long to record,,,you are too good to me,,,I don't deserve you, queen,,,) Please do check her out!! She has the best english translated covers I've ever listened to, and her voice is absolutely ethereal,,,Such a rich, powerful tone,,,but also warm and inviting,,,,I need her on a rap track too FR FR!!!!! I'm so so happy this could finally get done after years,,,I hope we can sing together again in the future!! She is my muse, my moon, and the ocean waves that pull me away from shore 💙

Original: Giga & KIRA
   • Giga & KIRA - 'GETCHA!' ft.初音ミク & GUM...  



  / sgursng_b113  

  / otakterbang_  

#getcha! #kira #giga #vtuber #shikimiyoshino #caitlinmyers


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