महत्वपूर्ण संविधान संशोधन | Important Constitutional Amendments| samvidhan sanshodhan SSC uppcs mpsc

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महत्वपूर्ण संविधान संशोधन | Important Constitutional Amendments| samvidhan sanshodhan SSC uppcs mpsc

महत्वपूर्ण संविधान संशोधन | Important Constitutional Amendments| samvidhan sanshodhan SSC uppcs mpsc

महत्वपूर्ण संविधान संशोधन | Important Constitutional Amendments| samvidhan sanshodhan SSC uppcs mpsc

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संविधान संशोधन by khan sir,
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भारत के महत्वपूर्ण संविधान संशोधन,
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1st Constitution Amendment 1951
7th Constitution Amendment 1956
24th constitution amendment 1971
36th constitution amendment 1975
42nd constitution amendment 1976
44th constitution amendment 1978
52nd constitution amendment 1985
61st constitution amendment 1989
69th constitution amendment 1991
70th constitution amendment 1992
73rd constitution amendment 1992
74th constitution amendment 1992
84th constitution amendment 2001
86th constitution amendment 2002
89th constitution amendment 2003
91st constitution amendment 2003
97th constitution amendment 2011
100th constitution amendment 2015

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