Highland Bike Park Part 2 - The Crash

Описание к видео Highland Bike Park Part 2 - The Crash

Part 2 of my July 2022 Highland 2 day trip. I rode Hellion, ODB/ODC, Threshold to Reef Drop to Thorton's Drop. Then I took a major crash on the Hellion Ninja Line. I broke my wrist and I was going to do Pinkbike Drop next too. So disappointing!! I live in NJ and it's a 6 1/2 hour drive to Highland and the last time I was here Pinkbike Drop was closed so this was my opportunity. I did try riding with a broken wrist but it was of no use. I was still contmplating doing Pinkbike but my friends talked me out of it...Luckily. I would not have been able to hang onto my bars as that landing is very jarring. I'm definitely doing it next time!!


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