What the Digital Operational Resilience Act means for third party ICT providers | World Finance

Описание к видео What the Digital Operational Resilience Act means for third party ICT providers | World Finance

DORA, the Digital Operational Resilience Act, regulates how financial services providers manage their ICT risks. But those risks are not necessary wholly contained within the financial institutions – but can be found throughout the supply chain, in third and even fourth parties that provide and support ICT services. Fabio Colombo, Global Financial Services Security Lead for Accenture explains what ICT services providers need to know, and how to start getting to grips with their new responsibilities and obligations.

Watch more videos from this interview:
What the Digital Operational Resilience Act means for board members and CEOs |    • What the Digital Operational Resilien...  
Finding DORA: How financial institutions must develop digital operational resilience |    • Finding DORA: How financial instituti...  

For a full transcript visit: https://www.worldfinance.com/videos/w...
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