Double Bass Thumb Position

Описание к видео Double Bass Thumb Position

Thumb Position!

Here are 3 simple tips to start playing in thumb position easily and safely!

1️⃣ Take a small step back around the thumb stop 🦶
2️⃣ Raise your elbow 💪
3️⃣ Prepare your thumb 👍

If you can play a 2 octave scale, then you can go into thumb position so don’t wait! 💯 👍

😢 and yes I know, my D & G are very out of tune! My Olivs do not do well in the cold weather!

💥Come back every Friday to check out tips on bass, voice and more 💥

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“This girl is IT!” (Quincy Jones)
“A multitasking talent who swings her bass with a Mack-truck-powered lilt that would make her hero Ray Brown proud." The New Yorker
  / katiethiroux  
  / thehumpwithkatie
  / katie-thiroux
  / katiethiroux  


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