The Place of the Fallen Stones: Lubaantun, Belize

Описание к видео The Place of the Fallen Stones: Lubaantun, Belize

I'm visiting the site of Lubaantun. This is the same day that I visited Nim Li Punit, which you saw last episode. Lubaantun lives up to its name as the Place of the Fallen Stone as you'll see. Time and weather have not been kind to the stones here. Another factor in the poor state of the site may be the amount of in-filling the Maya builders did since they did not have a stable natural plateau to build on.

In a strange footnote to its history, Lubaantun was the site of a "discovery" of a crystal skull. These are unknown elsewhere in the Maya world, and the artifact was not documented in any official excavation reports. We'll leave it to our viewers to determine the truth of the matter.

Thanks for watching!


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