Nana - I Remember The Time Of My Life (Tempo Remake)

Описание к видео Nana - I Remember The Time Of My Life (Tempo Remake)

My take on Nanas "Time of my life" created using ReFx Nexus and FL Studio.


Hi all, thanks for popping by...

So nearly 10 years ago whilst l iving in Swansea South Wales I took YouTube on with my 'mixes' under the pseudonym 'DJ TEMPO 2K7', Back then I was young, naive and swayed by the likes of "Cammy and Rankin" which was reflected in my username!!
(No hating it was a cool name at the time)
So back in the early 2000s my old channel 'DjTempo2k7' consisted of mainly 'junk' songs I had found to be popular at the time and of which I increased the tempo of
(yup, theres the origin of my name)
I guess in 2007 speed ups or what is now called 'chiupmunking' or if relating to music more specifically 'nightcore'.
At the time I had a pretty good following, I had fans around the world, was signed to a record label, sold music and people in the street would recognise me and ask me for an autograph!
Times and tastes change, I unfortunatley didn't so I let 'DJ TEMPO 2K7' pass out gracefully... Sod it actually I killed him off with "DJ TEMPO 2K7 RIP" I guess it worked as people would email left right and centre sending their condolences even my label unsigned me (Maybe killing tempo off worked too well)


Well, I sought a career in health care, yup I'm a nurse !!


The music didn't die with "DJ TEMPO 2K7" infact I slowly evolved my musician ability, I made new connections and I began to produce my own music whilst also maintaining my original passion of remixing though now without the speeding up of songs!

So after nearly 10 years I'm back to where I began, YouTube, I'll be uploading a bunch of new songs (when I'm finished typing this haha) and I will continue to do so as the months and years go on, so welcome me back YouTuber's world wide and follow, stream and share whatever it's called now days! But no matter what.. Enjoy!

As always
Max Love, Peace Out xx

Tempo Reloaded


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