Nava by Parviz Meshkatian ~ LES ARRIVANTS (Amichai Ben Shalev, Abdul Wahab Kayyali, Hamid Honati)

Описание к видео Nava by Parviz Meshkatian ~ LES ARRIVANTS (Amichai Ben Shalev, Abdul Wahab Kayyali, Hamid Honati)

Les Arrivants:

Abdul-Wahab Kayyali: Oud
Amichai Ben Shalev: Bandoneon
Hamin Honari: Percussion (Tombak, Daf, Frame Drums)

Three musicians who migrated to Canada and formed a inspired powerful musical partnership beginning four years ago in Montreal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The trio features: Abdul-Wahab Kayyali: Oud; Amichai Ben Shalev: Bandoneon; Hamin Honari: Tombak, Daf.

From their first meeting, they shared their personal and family histories, their countries of origin, and their artistic goals. Their ensuing artistic relationships was built with respect, care and empathy. 

They were aware some people might see them as an Iranian-Canadian, An Argentine-Israeli and a Palestinian-Jordanian. Please know and understand: Their musical partnership does not seek to advance a political message.

What brought them together and what interests them was and is the artistic promise of a special musical project: The synthesis of different traditional musical styles. Their singular mission is to achieve musical collaboration as composers and performers. Combining their traditional instruments, musical tastes, creativity, and experiences you will experience a blending of traditional and contemporary Persian, Arabic, Israeli, & Argentinian music.

Tonight you will have the pleasure of hearing first hand the synthesis of their collaborative project blending of traditional and contemporary Persian, Arabic, Israeli, & Argentinian music


CDZ Collegium Musica, a 501 (c)(3) NPO, "brings community together through music performance, education, and cultural exchange".


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