How to play Ladder Golf

Описание к видео How to play Ladder Golf

Learn the rules to the outdoor sport game Ladder Golf (also called: Ladder Ball, Ladder Toss, and Hillbilly Golf) quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of this 2-4 player game is to be the first team to reach 21 points exactly. Setup. Place the Ladder’s uprights 15 feet apart, or about 5 large paces. Give each player on the same side 3 bolas of the same color. Players stand next to each other with the Ladder in between them to throw at the farther ladder. In a 2v2 teammates stand across from each other, only one side throws at a time. In a 1v1, after each round, the players walk straight across to the farther ladder, turn around, and throw back at the other.

Pick a player to throw first, then throws alternate between the two players. To throw, you must throw the bolas underhand and you may not cross the Ladder’s uprights with your feet. Once both players have thrown all their bolas, points are scored. You receive 3 points per bola if it is hanging on the highest rung, 2 points for the middle rung, and 1 point for the bottom rung. Some versions of Ladder golf reverse this order and you score 3 points for the bottom and 1 point for the top. Agree to which way you will play before the game begins.

If there are multiple colored bolas hanging on the any of the rungs, then the opposing bolas points cancel each other out so only 1 player scores per round. If you manage to get all three of your bolas onto the same rung or each on a different rung, then you receive 1 bonus point. Bonus points are still scored even if some or all of your bolas are canceled.

Scoring only happens at the end of a round, so any bolas that are knocked off during play do not count as points. Bolas are allowed to bounce off the ground and hang from a ladder.

When an opponent is throwing you are allowed to try and distract them, however you may not touch them, block a throw, or block their line of sight to the ladder. If you do, your team forfeits the match.

To win you must reach 21 exactly. If you go over, then none of your points are earned for that round. For example, if you have 15 points and scored 7, because you went over 21, you would remain at 15 points. If both teams reach 21 at the same time, then play continues until one team is up by 2 or more points, then that team is the winner.


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