Building a £16m Business By Acquisition | Jonathan Jay | 2024

Описание к видео Building a £16m Business By Acquisition | Jonathan Jay | 2024

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Looking to build a £16 million revenue business in just two years? Join Jonathan Jay on as he talks to Adam about how he achieved this incredible feat through business acquisitions.

If you're looking to get into acquisitions or want to know how to buy a company, this is the perfect video for you.

Adam shares his journey of starting several businesses that failed before discovering the power of business acquisitions. He also discusses how he overcame his initial fear and scepticism and learned to conduct conversations with potential sellers.

Adam tells Jonathan Jay about his successful business acquisitions and the strategies that he used to grow them. He shares his experience of buying a couple of law firms and building a group that currently has a £16 million turnover in the consultancy business and potentially £1 million pounds a month in the legal firm.

Adam credits his success to simply applying himself and being inspired by Jonathan Jay's story of success. He also talks about the importance of taking action and applying pressure to oneself in order to achieve success.

Jonathan Jay and Adam discuss the top three things that Adam learned during the process of buying a business that could be helpful for people starting their journey. The conversation covers essential topics such as acquisition strategy, deal flow, and the importance of having a good deal team, including lawyers and accountants.

They emphasise the significance of purchasing the right business and avoiding the common mistake of thinking too small. Additionally, they share their experiences of following their hearts instead of their heads and the importance of dealing with the numbers.

Jonathan Jay and Adam discuss the next level of acquisition, which is how to do it better, faster, and bigger, and how to integrate businesses successfully.

If you're interested in buying an established business, business mergers and acquisitions, or business acquisition companies, this video is for you!


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