Pokémon Battle Revolution - Head Exploud

Описание к видео Pokémon Battle Revolution - Head Exploud

Here's another PBR battle that I did earlier today. This time, I went up against RoyalCobalt from YouTube. (Yeah, this list of Friend Battles is really backed up. Do you see why I don't clear up empty space too often?)

One characteristic of him is that he switches a lot. After some time, I caught on to when he'd start switching, though it didn't really do me much good. You see, I forgot that Gastrodon had woken up. Gastrodon looks exactly the same sleeping as it does awake, and I actually check the Pokémon's appearance in this game to know if it's Asleep or not more than I see if there's a text box telling me a Pokémon is Asleep (which was missing, implying Gastrodon is awake).

So don't go yelling at me that I should've used Hypnosis, because I already know that.

Incidentally, this also reveals Vespiquen's four moves, leaving only Solrock left.

I used Elizabeth (Vespiquen), Kermit (Politoed), and Fannie (Shiftry). RoyalCobalt used Exploud, Gastrodon, and Achilles (Armaldo).


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