Texas Pig Hunt with 45-70 Black Powder Loads

Описание к видео Texas Pig Hunt with 45-70 Black Powder Loads

It's hard to explain why I was so looking forward to hunting wild pigs in Texas with black powder loads in an 1886 Winchester chambered in .45-70. There is no advantage to it. Some would say it's a disadvantage. I would argue the disadvantage is my refusal to ever use a scope and not the black powder. Regardless, it's just what I do. There is a level of satisfaction that comes with hunting the way my great grandfather did it.

I felt confident with one of the loads I tested in the last video and knew I could make an ethical shot out to 100 yards. The Javelinas, not the pigs, came calling and the cartridge did its job. This content may not be suitable for all viewers.


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