Panasonic PTZ lineup: Auto Tracking Solution

Описание к видео Panasonic PTZ lineup: Auto Tracking Solution

PTZ cameras are offering new ways to film smoothly and from challenging angles without having to manually move the camera around or operate it by hand.
The auto-tracking reduces the burden on AV staff or operators whilst still capturing high-quality, professional content.

New to PTZ cameras, the Built-in auto-tracking function is a free-of-charge, easy-to-use system that is provided with some of our PTZ cameras as a standard feature* and basically runs on the camera’s processing power.
Software update may be required before use.
Model: AW-UE80W/K, UE50W/K, UE40W/K

External software-based auto-tracking is a more sophisticated and customizable system that requires the AW-SF100 or AW-SF200 Panasonic software and runs on the CPU and GPU power of the computer on which the software is installed.

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