林俊杰串烧 歌曲!到底我们唱了几首林俊杰的歌曲呢?你们能够猜得到吗?

Описание к видео 林俊杰串烧 歌曲!到底我们唱了几首林俊杰的歌曲呢?你们能够猜得到吗?

"Final Meet up"

And so here we are, as a band, @Thebigbreaksg is here with a medley of songs from @JJ Lin林俊傑 for all of you.

On behalf of my band members, i would like to take this opportunity to thank all the frontliners for all your hard work during this CB period. Without all your efforts, we wouldn't be able to get our food delivered, queues at supermarket wouldn't be organised and most importantly we wouldn’t be taken care of. THANK YOU ALL FRONTLINERS!

Lastly, thank you to those supporters who have been to 2mm Talenthub ever since we were there. I remember back then when i told people that i'm singing here, all the comments i received were pretty negative. However, that didn't stop us from continuing what we believed in: Enjoying what we love doing, loving and caring for one another, understanding one another, keeping communications open, admitting your own mistakes, when things go wrong we don't blame anybody, instead we fix it and lastly WHATEVER WE DO MUST BRING HAPPINESS AND JOY TO EVERYONE.

Looking back now, we really came a long way. The friendships we forged, the new friends we made and those who stayed through. THANK YOU ALL FOR ALWAYS BEING HERE WITH AND FOR US. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE PART OF WHATEVER SUCCESS WE HAVE ACHIEVED THUS FAR ❤️


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