Why do Flowers Smell so Good? + more videos |

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Why do Flowers Smell so Good?
The fragrance of flowers isn't really intended for us, it is intended to attract insects which can transfer the pollen from one flower to another in order to fertilize them.
Some flowers use wind while others attract insects for pollination.
Now, as per a recent research, flowers tend to emit fragrances during specific times of the day when the insects which pollinate them are active. Also, the fragrance is specifically aimed at attracting those insects which pollinate them.
Flowers for whom Moths are primary pollinators emit more fragrance at night whereas flowers for whom bees and butterflies are the primary pollinators emit more fragrance during daytime.
Also, some flowers like the Corpse flower emit foul-smelling fragrance in order to attract carnivorous insects which generally feed on dead flesh.


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