GoTC Game of Thrones Conquest crafting tutorial Templating Mass L1’s

Описание к видео GoTC Game of Thrones Conquest crafting tutorial Templating Mass L1’s

Ok. So crafting sucks. It truly does …. Ask any serious crafter and they will tell you the losses stay with you ( they do ) and the thought of having to start over again from L1 is nauseating ( it is ).

So we had some luck at the L50 level last event but now it’s a rebuild the templates process.

I could post HOURS upon HOURS of video like this …. This is the behind the scenes grind that nobody posts or talks about ….

No matter how you try to spice this up , add cool backing music , challenge yourself to the amount of perfect L1 hits before a mess up, this is a grind , and then it repeats repeats repeats.

And just imagine how it feels to us , the crafters , when despite all of this, we lose at the 45 or 50 yellow level …. Gut wrenching .

So just a friendly reminder to go easy on your crafters.

Or get a crafting bot …. I definitely don’t enjoy the mindlessness and monotony of this process but I hop on an exercise bike and grind this out in the morning ( lies. I eat donuts and watch my old YouTube videos ).

Anyway … long story short. A wise man recently said to a group of us more experienced players that WB will suck the life out of you on a long Enough timeline , the wins will never be enough , so it’s up to each of us to find our own slice of happiness in our individual gameplay, and stay in that lane and dribble … or bubble …. Or whatever.

Good luck to all !!


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