तूच आहेस तुझ्या जीवनाचा शिल्पकार | Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai | Amrutbol- 142

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Amrutbol- 142 | तूच आहेस तुझ्या जीवनाचा शिल्पकार | Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai | You are the architect of your destiny | Tuch ahes tujhya jeevanacha shilpakar

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#jeevanvidya #Amrutbol #SatguruShriWamanraoPai

Jeevanvidya teaches man to accept the truth that he alone is responsible for all his actions and also the results or reactions that boomerang from such actions; in other words man himself is responsible for creating his own destiny. Satguru’s entire philosophy revolves around his important message that, “You are the architect of your destiny”. Jeevanvidya philosophy stresses on the importance of making efforts as opposed to becoming victims of fatalism. In fact, Satguru maintains that, “Efforts have the potential to achieve everything in life including “Self-realization” and, therefore, efforts may be considered even more important than God”.Therefore, the common man has been empowered to change his destiny with the guidance of Jeevanvidya and can experience peace and happiness in his life.

Watch this video to find more..

सद्गुरू श्री वामनराव पै यांनी ६० हून अधिक वर्षे लोकांचे अज्ञान, अंधश्रद्धा, निराशावाद व दैववाद नष्ट करून त्यांना सुख, शांती, समाधान, सुयश व समृद्धी प्राप्त व्हावी म्हणून जीवनविद्या मिशनच्या माध्यमातून प्रवचने, ग्रंथनिर्मिती, व्याख्याने, ध्वनिफिती व दूरदर्शनवर कार्यक्रम इत्यादींद्वारा समाजप्रबोधनाचे कार्य केले. ‘हे जग सुखी व्हावे व आपले राष्ट्र सर्वार्थाने पुढे जावे, हा सद्गुरूंचा संकल्प असून त्यांचे संपूर्ण तत्वज्ञान ‘तूच आहेस तुझ्या जीवनाचा शिल्पकार’ या दिव्य सिद्धांताभोवती फिरते. सद्गुरूंनी हे कार्य निरपेक्षपणे केले. त्यांनी ११००० हून अधिक प्रबोधने केली; पण बिदागी घेतली नाही. २८ ग्रंथांची निर्मिती केली; पण रॉयल्टी घेतली नाही. हजारो शिष्यांना अनुग्रह दिला; परंतु गुरूदक्षिणा घेतली नाही. त्याचप्रमाणे जीवनविद्या मिशनमध्ये कार्य करणारे सद्गुरूंचे नामधारकसुद्धा समाजसेवेचे कार्य कमिशनची अपेक्षा न करता केवळ मिशन म्हणूनच करतात. सर्वांना उपयुक्त असे हे जीवनविद्या तत्वज्ञान संपूर्ण विश्वात पोहचावे, यासाठी जीवनविद्या मिशन सतत प्रयत्नशील आहे. महाराष्ट्र तसेच परदेशातही जीवनविद्या मिशनच्या शाखा कार्यरत आहेत.


About Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai-

A great social reformer, a famous philosopher, spiritual leader and originator of the innovative Jeevanvidya (science of life and art of harmonious and successful living) philosophy – was born in Mumbai, India, on October 21, 1922. He was a self-motivated individual and realized soul with the highest level of compassion and concern for the people. The sole aim of his self-less endeavor was to make every human being happy and world a much better place to live. He founded a non-profitable, registered, secular, educational and social organization called Jeevanvidya Mission in 1955 (http://www.jeevanvidya.org) for achieving his goal.

He worked selflessly for the fulfillment of his vision to make the entire human race happy for over 60 years. All his discourses, lectures and guidance was free of charge. He delivered more than 10000+ discourses in Maharashtra and adjacent states within India and in USA and Canada abroad; wrote 27 books (millions in print; many of which got translated in Hindi, English, Kannada, Gujarati languages) and imparted guidance to million+ of people. He handled a lot of topics, which are important that make us lead the life full of prosperity, success, and happiness. Through his books, he could connect with every segment of the society students, youth, workers, farmers, family people, and women – working as well as homemakers, businessmen, professionals and common man in general.

He has received a number of awards from different organizations and entities as well as letters of deep appreciation. His weekly lecture is being telecast on Indian television channel for over last decade and a half. A daily program on radio broadcasting his Thoughts For a Better Life has created a record in ‘All India Radio’s Asmita Channel’ for a continuous run of 4000+ days (more than 10 years). He coined the powerful slogan, that ‘You are the architect of your Destiny’.

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