[밸런스게임] 민트초코에 밥🍚 비벼먹기 VS 🍉수박을 김치에 싸먹기 ㅣ조선팝밴드ㅣ서도밴드의 매력탐색영상

Описание к видео [밸런스게임] 민트초코에 밥🍚 비벼먹기 VS 🍉수박을 김치에 싸먹기 ㅣ조선팝밴드ㅣ서도밴드의 매력탐색영상

#밸런스게임 을 통해 알아보는 #조선팝밴드 서도밴드의 매력속으로🌙

💙서도밴드 첫 EP [Moon: Disentangle] 듣기💙

sEODo BAND, the Founder of Chosun Pop's First EP

Created by sEODo BAND, Chosun pop, a combination of the words "Chosun" and "Pop," is a musical genre that incorporates the elements of pop music into the unique story, rhythm, and melody of Korean traditional music. Through this album, sEODo BAND defines their so-called Chosun Pop. Their attempt to reinterpret the traditional groove in their own colors and their solid, nearby perfect band sound raise the expectations and curiosity of many listeners.

#seodoband #chosunpop #서도밴드
#조선팝 #국악 #서도 #밴드음악 #밴드
#한국밴드 #뱃노래 #citylights #강강술래


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