HapPi Box of DooM - Raspberry Pi Custom Brew

Описание к видео HapPi Box of DooM - Raspberry Pi Custom Brew

I don't know what this thing is! After cobbling together parts and adhering them with industrial strength Velcro, it's true form has taken shape!

This is a quick video look at my customized Raspberry Pi Model B+ running Chocolate Doom v2.1.0 (built from source) with:

[Adafruit PiTFT 2.2" HAT LCD screen](http://www.adafruit.com/products/2315)
[Pimonori Rainbow Pibow case](http://shop.pimoroni.com/products/ras...) w/custom drilled button holes
12,000 mAh Battery Pack
X-mini powered speaker
Nano WiFi USB Adapter
Wireless KB + Mouse

A little bit of soldering was required to attach the wee 2.2" lcd tft to the RPi's GPIO header. Afterwards, just a few tweaks to make LXDE boot using /dev/fb1 (rather than HDMI), and I was off to battle demons of hell.

The display is a little laggy, set to 32MHz which is supposed to provide a pretty nice 20 FPS rate, however I still may tinker to try and improve that without overdriving the tiny screen. Main goal was to just get whatever this thing was playing Doom!


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