What is Cloud Config Server with Live Coding || Session 07 by Vivek

Описание к видео What is Cloud Config Server with Live Coding || Session 07 by Vivek


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=We are configuring our application config properties in application.properties or
application.yml file
Ex: DB Props, SMTP props, Kafka Props, App Messages etc...
= application.properties or application.yml file will be packaged along with our
application (it will be part of our app jar file)
= If we want to make any changes to properties then we have to re-package our
application and we have to re-deploy our application.
Note: If any changes required in config properties then We have to repeat the complete
project build & deployment which is time consuming process.
= To avoid this problem, we have to seperate our project code and project config
properties files.
= To externalize config properties from the application we can use Cloud Config
= Cloud Config Server is part of Spring Cloud Library.
Note: Application config properties files we will maintain in git hub repo and config
server will load them and will give to our application based on our application-name.
= Our microservices will get config properties from Config server and config server
will load them from git hub repo

What is Auto Scaling ?
= It is used to scale up or scale down servers to run our application
based on incoming traffic.
1) Fault Tolerance
2) High Availability
3) Cost Managemen


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