How to forgive a cheater and should I forgive a cheater?

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How to forgive a cheater and should I forgive a cheater?

Forgiving a partner after infidelity can be extremely hard. But can your relationship survive cheating. Maybe it can but maybe it can’t. That all depends on the cheater. The person who’s unfaithful needs to commit to change, but can they? Will they? Cheating cause a lot of emotional and even psychological damage to their partners. People are often confused about how to handle infidelity after trust is broken. Cheaters often stress the need to feel trusted again. Cheaters often prioritize restoring the feeling of being trusted over their partners healing. This is not fair. Cheaters often gaslight their partners into taking the blame for their infidelity. Don’t let this happen to you. If someone cheats on you make them own it.

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