O Gin I were a Baron's Heir by J.W.Holder arr. for guitar by Ian Thomson

Описание к видео O Gin I were a Baron's Heir by J.W.Holder arr. for guitar by Ian Thomson

This is an arrangement for guitar by my brother Ian Thomson (1941-2015). I have transcribed it into MUSESCORE , and used this platform for this recording.
Despite the ‘Scots’ wording, Joseph William Holder (1765-1823) was an Englishman and a graduate of Oxford University.
It is a simple tale of a Lad who wishes he was a Baron’s heir so that he could shower his Lassie with gifts ”…braid wi' gems your hair” ; “busk ye wi' a silken goun” .
But all he can offer is his undying love, which he hopes is enough to win her over. “….In lowly life, unfading love, A heart that nought on earth could move” . “For I ha'e nocht to offer ye,
Nae gowd frae mine, nae pearl frae sea,” , but “Lassie, but I lo'e ye!”.

O gin I were a baron's heir
O gin I were a baron's heir,
An' could I braid wi' gems your hair,
And mak' ye braw as ye are fair,
Lassie, would ye lo'e me?
An' could I tak' ye tae the toun
An' show ye braw sights mony a ain,
And busk ye wi' a silken goun,
Lassie, would ye lo'e me?

Or should ye be content to prove,
In lowly life, unfading love,
A heart that nought on earth could move,
Lassie, would ye lo'e me?
And ere the lav'rock wing the sky,
Say, would ye to the forest hie,
And work wi' me sae merrily,
Lassie, would ye lo'e me?

And when the braw moon glistens o'er
Our lonesome beild an' heath'ry muir,
Will ye na greet that we're sae puir,
Lassie, for I lo'e ye?


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