Overdrive gone on the Daily Driver Volvo Wagon!? Not good! How to fix Volvo Overdrive issues!

Описание к видео Overdrive gone on the Daily Driver Volvo Wagon!? Not good! How to fix Volvo Overdrive issues!

We aren't by ANY means a "How To" channel nor will we ever really pretend to be however sometimes a situation pops up that gives us a chance to show a semi useful fix, so here it is! There's not much you can find in the automotive world that's more reliable than an old Volvo but they do have a few known failures. One of which is the overdrive on the AW70 / AW71 automatic transmissions in the 240 Volvo, 740 Volvo, 940 Volvo series. Really just about any automatic transmission for about 20 years of production, if it's in a Volvo car this is pretty applicable.

So what happened? Well I was just driving down the interstate coming back from 2 hour road trip to Cleveland and my overdrive off light flashed on the dash, the little orange arrow. Immediately the car kicked itself out of overdrive and into 3rd gear which pushed the RPMs at 70 to a considerably higher level than we would like to see. Toggling the button on shifter kicked it back into overdrive... for a couple seconds before it kicked back out again. Clearly we have a problem!

With snow and salt season quickly approaching here in central Ohio the daily driver hot rod days are fading fast! Let's get this 940 Turbo Volvo Wagon fixed and back to work!


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