A Network Automation Roadmap

Описание к видео A Network Automation Roadmap

Once you get past a handful of Python scripts, network automation can be...daunting. If you want to make network automation process-driven, repeatable, reliable, and something that doesn't just rely on your scripts and the knowledge inside your head, there's an entire landscape that opens up before you.

Have you thought about network discovery? How about data collection and data models? Sources of truth? Will you need a repository? Should you choose commercial tools? Open source? A mix? And where the heck do you start?

Heavy Networking welcomes Steinn Örvar, aka Steinzi, to the podcast. Steinzi is a network engineer who loves network automation. He's here to discuss the network automation landscape web page he’s created. It's a handy roadmap of the various categories, tools, and products that make up the world of network automation. It doesn't tell you how to automate, but like a map, it can be very helpful on your journey.

It's also a monster page that needs some parsing, so Steinzi is here to guide us through it. Buckle up!

Steinn (Steinzi) Örvar - https://www.linkedin.com/in/steinn-%C...

Network Automation Landscape - Steinzi.com - https://steinzi.com/network-automatio...
Network Automation Forum - https://networkautomation.forum/

Network Automation Forum Slack - https://networkautomationfrm.slack.co...

Steinzi's Network Memes T-Shirts - https://www.teepublic.com/user/networ...

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