Achill Mountain Sheep 🐑 🐑| Achill Island | Blackface Sheep | 瞓唔著?入黎數下呢度有幾多隻阿基爾島黑面山羊 🤯🤯

Описание к видео Achill Mountain Sheep 🐑 🐑| Achill Island | Blackface Sheep | 瞓唔著?入黎數下呢度有幾多隻阿基爾島黑面山羊 🤯🤯

Achill Mountain sheep are the loveliest sheep I have ever met. The distinct ancestry of the Mayo mountain sheep allows them to live comfortably in their tough environment. These sheep can thrive on the limited grazing and deal with the wet and windy weather that other sheep breeds could not tolerate. But they are cute even though they are hardy !

There are four kinds of sheep In Ireland. Irish blackface sheep can be of Donegal, Kerry, Mayo or Waterford strains, each strain selected for the particular geographical conditions.

I took this video during my trip to the beautiful county of Mayo in Ireland. I captured many of the moments I met this woolly beauty while I was walking, hiking and cycling around The Valley, Dugort, Keem Bay, Minaun Heights, Deserted village, Slievemore ... etc during my stay in Achill Island.

Thank you for watching the lovely black face mountain sheep from Achill Island.
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Filmed & Edited by Chris

對於一啲自小係石屎森林長大既城市人, 由其是生於寸金尺土既香港人.
首先, 我要講下羊🐑🐑
生於愛爾蘭既黑面山羊, 係我見過最可愛既羊
唔好以為佢地黑面就以為佢兇神惡殺,一啲都唔 Friendly.
無錯,佢地係唔平易近人, 相反有點怕人

當地人口只有2,500人左右. 由於鄰近大西洋, 天氣好多時會較為潮濕及大風
而天氣亦非常難預測, 好多時會一日內會感受到四季天氣.

比起香港人熱門旅遊景點, 例如台灣既清境,日本既奈良
因為佢地以山為母, 以地上既草為糧
拍攝既時候係當地初夏, 不論係高山上定係係綠油油既草地上
小羊一定會跟住羊媽媽, 不時都會見到羊群一家大細係車路上行走
當地人或遊客都好善待及專重羊群, 車羊互讓大概係當地的基本常識吧!

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