CIO Roundtable - Shadow IT and its impact on Service Delivery

Описание к видео CIO Roundtable - Shadow IT and its impact on Service Delivery

Our latest CIO roundtable hosted by our very own Greg Lake brought together three esteemed experts to discuss the evolving landscape of Shadow IT and the integration of AI in organizational processes.

Watch this informative discussion to hear these experts experiences and thoughts on:

- The emergence of Shadow IT within organizations and the associated risks.

- How AI, through tools like Co-pilot, has revolutionised data processing and operational efficiency. Hear how the introduction of gamification and ROI tracking has further incentivised AI use.

- Future commoditization of AI tools and the importance of AI skills in today's workforce.

- Evolution of job roles due to AI integration, the creation of new roles and the transformation of existing ones, freeing people for more valuable, non-repetitive work.

- New business cases that are needed to incorporate AI tools alongside human resources, acknowledging potential challenges with HR and unions in organisations.


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