Battle For Onitsha | Aftermath of First Major Engagement | Nigerian Civil War | December 1967

Описание к видео Battle For Onitsha | Aftermath of First Major Engagement | Nigerian Civil War | December 1967

December 1967.

Footage of the battle-scarred city of Onitsha after two major confrontations between Federal Nigerian soldiers and troops of the secessionist state of Biafra.

Biafran forces are seen surveying the area next to the River Niger with the River Niger Bridge in the distance. There are captured boats and a skull, allegedly that of a Nigerian soldier, is displayed.

The Biafrans had defended the city during fighting in the early part of October 1967.

After the expulsion from the Mid-West Region of occupying Biafran forces in the latter part of September, the 2nd Division of the Nigerian Army prepared to enter the city of Onitsha from Asaba.

With the River Niger Bridge disabled, the Commander of the 2nd Division, Lt. Colonel Murtala Muhammed was faced with the option of attacking Onitsha via one of two routes. First was making a crossing at the town of Idah in Nigerian territory from whence the troops would move south on land. The second was an amphibious assault across the Niger.

Muhammed opted for the latter and it proved to be a costly decision.

He disregarded the advice of the Army High Command and launched the attack with 5,000 men. He crossed the river but failed to consolidate the territories acquired. This enabled the 11th and 18th battalions of the Biafran Army to mount a successful counter-attack which pushed the Federal Army back across the Niger.

Muhammed launched a second disastrous amphibious attack during which thousands of his men were cut down by the Biafrans who were well dug in.

A third attack via the river also failed.

The option of an attack via Idah was then taken. The second series of major battles for Onitsha commenced in January 1968 and lasted until March when the city finally fell into Federal hands.


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