Champion for the Voiceless:Wambui Ndirangu.

Описание к видео Champion for the Voiceless:Wambui Ndirangu.

Wambui Ndirangu, a sociology graduate, is a passionate advocate for societal change and a beacon of hope for those facing life’s toughest challenges. She founded Unijue Unielewe CBO to highlight the struggles of individuals born different or who have become different through various phases of life, including persons with disabilities (PWDs), dyslexic persons, intersex persons, and survivors of defilement, rape, sodomy, and
gender-based violence. The organization's mission is to raise awareness, demystify conditions, end stigma and discrimination, and promote inclusion. Wambui also runs a YouTube channel, "The Wambui Ndirangu," to reach a global audience and highlight these issues. Additionally, she leads the monthly 'Donate a diaper, restore my dignity' drive, providing essential support to PWDs who cannot afford adult diapers. Through her work,
Wambui inspires change, fosters empathy, and promotes a more inclusive society.


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