大女兒Adeline 想做特別(古怪?)的飲料 :康普茶/恐怖茶。爸爸不相信家裡做的飲料會有氣泡!Our Dear Adeline Becomes a Kombucha Brewmaster!

Описание к видео 大女兒Adeline 想做特別(古怪?)的飲料 :康普茶/恐怖茶。爸爸不相信家裡做的飲料會有氣泡!Our Dear Adeline Becomes a Kombucha Brewmaster!

您提出需求,我們提供服務!我們現在提供經濟包裝茶包:簡單包裝,更低價格,同樣美味的茶=CP值更高!最近也開始賣我們小孩喜歡穿的鄉村風蛋糕裙!還有限量的手帕和小孩的手工。您可以在我們的網站上獲得更多資訊:https://www.metsalife.com 買得到。謝謝你的支持!








P.S. 要特別感謝我們的茶農朋友,李氏夫婦。感謝你們讓我們來參觀你們在杉林溪區的美麗茶園。我們正在將你們美味的茶運送到世界各地!


A quick shoutout to our precious daughter Adeline. This video is possible thanks to her hard work, patience, and creativity. If you want to read about her Kombucha story in more detail, please check out her English blog: https://crossculturegirl.com/introduc...
And don't forget to subscribe!

This past year, I took Adeline back to the US to visit family in Oregon. During our short trip, Adeline tried her very first Kombucha, and let's just say, it was love at first sip! Sometimes it's hard to tell what our cleaver eldest daughter is thinking. She's a deep thinker. But after drinking this strange brew I could tell that something was churning in her brain. Everything from her initial wincing eyes transforming into glowing, beaming eyes; to her rosy cheeks enshrouding a wide and satisfied smile, and a slow, repetitive nod of approval. It's clear that Adeline likes Kombucha. We made sure to try several varieties before our return to Taiwan.

A few months back, Adeline tried making some Kombucha from the yeast mother of Apple Cider vinegar... but you'll have to watch the video to hear how that turned out. She then contacted a family friend, Mr. Lee, who is a master of things fermented (he makes amazing sour dough bread!) to ask if he had any extra Skobi we could use to make Kombucha. And to our delight, he did! It helps if you know a guy, and Mr. Lee is our guy! (Thank you!) We eventually went to Taichung to get a first starter Skobi from Mr. Lee, and Adeline cradled it back to our country home in Miaoli, determined to make her first successful batch of this magical brew!

We hope you enjoy today's video!

Your brother in the journey,


We also want to thank our tea farmer friend and his wife, the Li's. Thank you for letting us come and visit your beautiful tea gardens in the mountainous area of Sun Link Sea. We are shipping your delicious tea around the world!

And thank you to Mr. Tim Lee for being so generous and sharing a huge scoby with Adeline. You made this Kombucha dream come true! Non of this would have been possible without you!

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