Seychelles Scenery 印度洋上的明珠 塞舌尔 沉浸式风景欣赏

Описание к видео Seychelles Scenery 印度洋上的明珠 塞舌尔 沉浸式风景欣赏

Seychelles is an archipelagic country located east of Tanzania in the central western Indian Ocean, with its capital Victoria located on the largest island, Mahe Island. Its land area is 455 square kilometers, its territorial sea area is about 400000 square kilometers, and its population is about 100000. The climate of Seychelles is tropical oceanic, warm and humid throughout the year, with an average annual temperature of 27 ℃. Seychelles has abundant natural resources, including tropical rainforests, coral reefs, beaches, and more.

塞舌尔(Seychelles)是位于坦桑尼亚以东、印度洋中西部的一个群岛国家,首都维多利亚位于第一大岛马埃岛上。其陆地面积455平方公里,领海面积约40万平方公里,人口约10万。塞舌尔的气候为热带海洋性气候,全年温暖湿润,年平均气温为27℃。塞舌尔的自然资源丰富,有丰富的热带雨林、珊瑚礁、海滩等。#seychelles #seychellesisland #塞舌尔 #islands #scenery #landscape #aerialvideo #风景欣赏 #风景 #治愈系风景


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