Reflections of a Combatant Commander in a Turbulent World - Keynote Address by General James Mattis

Описание к видео Reflections of a Combatant Commander in a Turbulent World - Keynote Address by General James Mattis

On November 18, 2013, Gen. James Mattis (USMC, Ret.) delivered the Keynote Address at FPRI's 2013 Annual Dinner. General Mattis is widely known within the U.S. military as the most revered Marine Corps officer in a generation. With a reputation for candor, a career of combat achievements, and a library that once spanned 7,000 books, Gen. Mattis has a record of over 41 years of public service. Modern military historians chronicle him as one of America's great soldier-scholars. In March 2013, he ended his service as the eleventh commander of U.S. Central Command, where he was responsible for U.S. military activities in one of the world's most volatile regions, including Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

For his service, FPRI was proud to bestow upon him the 9th Annual Benjamin Franklin Award for Public Service. Previous recipients of the Benjamin Franklin Award include Henry A. Kissinger, Robert D. Kaplan, Walter Russell Mead, Fouad Ajami, Niall Ferguson, Charles Krauthammer, John R. Bolton, and Philip Zelikow.


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