10 Electric Planes that Already Exist and Change the Future of Air Travel

Описание к видео 10 Electric Planes that Already Exist and Change the Future of Air Travel

Electrically powered vehicles are conquering our planet and it is a fact. Many cities like Singapore and Hamburg have vouched to replace their public transport fleets with emission-free vehicles by 2030 and many auto manufacturers have already established roadmaps and schedules for going all in electric. Boats and submarines are getting equipped with e-motors and even far reached world like Mars is being explored by Curiosity Rover thanks to an electric powertrain. But is the sky the limit for electric motors?

Apparently not, because up until today there is quite a number of already operational all-electric flying vessels that traverse the skies braking the stereotype that efficient and clean air travel is impossible on Earth. Today, we would like to share with you some knowledge about the first electric planes, so that when in 50 years all of the aircraft in the sky are electric, you will know how it all started. Enjoy your flight.

Electric aircraft that were featured here:

Solar Impulse 2: www.iata.org/pressroom/media-kit/Pages/solar-impulse.aspx

E-Fan 2.0 and Airbus E-Fan X: company.airbus.com/responsibility/airbus-e-fan-the-future-of-electric-aircraft.html

Facebook Aquila: facebook.com/notes/mark-zuckerberg/the-technology-behind-aquila/10153916136506634/

E-Fusion from Hungary’s Magnus Aircraft: magnusaircraft.com/efusion2

Siemens Extra 330LE: siemens.com/press/en/pressrelease/2017/corporate/pr2017040256coen.htm

e-Genius - the Institute of Aircraft Design at the University of Stuttgart: ifb.uni-stuttgart.de/egenius

Pipistrel Alpha Electro: pipistrel.si/plane/alpha-electro/overview

Sun Flyer from Aero Electric Aircraft Corporation: sunflyer.com/

Lilium Jet: www.lilium.com/mission/

FlyNano: www.flynano.com/faq.htm

Nasa The X-57: nasa.gov/image-feature/nasas-x-57-electric-research-plane/

Alice - Eviation Aircraft Company: eviation.co/alice/


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