Helbreath Olympia - RB2 War & RB1 Mage Gameplay - Not Insanely Geared (The end is the best part)

Описание к видео Helbreath Olympia - RB2 War & RB1 Mage Gameplay - Not Insanely Geared (The end is the best part)

Taking a break from LOTRO (I’ll return soon)

Playing Helbreath, one of the best pvp games ever created, for sure. This video contain war (RB2) and mage (RB1) gameplay, PL fights playing with SS/PD talents, lvl140 fights as LS/Axe. Mage talents are Earth/Merien and Ice/Merien.

I’ve been playing for two months, so my gear is far from being the BiS, anyhow it’s still possible to get some fun.

Hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching.


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