Dermatology basics: the fundamentals of diagnosis and history taking

Описание к видео Dermatology basics: the fundamentals of diagnosis and history taking

This concise video for healthcare professionals offers a primer on dermatology fundamentals. Covering diagnosis and history-taking, it will cover common skin diseases and morphology, guiding viewers through identifying lesions and rashes. Practical tips on conducting thorough patient interviews ensure comprehensive history gathering. Packed with clinical insights, it equips professionals to confidently approach dermatological cases.

By the end of the video, viewers will gain a deeper understanding of dermatological terminology, diagnostic techniques, and the nuanced art of history-taking, empowering them to better serve their patients with dermatological concerns.

For more information, search DermNet on:

00:00 - 01:54: Introduction
01:54 - 05:04: Effects of skin disease
05:04 - 07:29: Skin disease severity
07:29 - 10:51: Nomenclature
10:51 - 23:13: Describing lesions
23:13 - 26:31: Colour of lesions and rashes
26:13 - 28:50: History-taking and diagnosis
28:50 - 31:31: Treatment


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