The Blood Alliance Conflict - a Lineage II Vision Trailer

Описание к видео The Blood Alliance Conflict - a Lineage II Vision Trailer

As a glimpse of a possible future and on behalf of the Lineage II team both at NCSOFT West and NCSOFT Korea, we would like to present you with a special treat.

This eight minute movie which combines the ever-epic battle style with the new server wars concept gives us a look into the minds of the developers and how truly grand Lineage II can be.

We are proud of the 10 year history of Lineage II and there is plenty more history in the making as we advance into the future. A close viewing of the movie reveals not only that rich history but also insight about what is yet to come.

As always we thank you for your loyal support of our beloved game. As we approach the holiday season please know that we are hard at work charting the bright future of Lineage II!

- The Lineage II Team of NCSOFT West


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