Ultra Hardcore Minecraft - S4E05 - "Totan is a hacker"

Описание к видео Ultra Hardcore Minecraft - S4E05 - "Totan is a hacker"

Welcome to Season 4 of Minecraft UHC (Ultra Hardcore). PVP till the last team standing.

This is a mod that makes it so:

You don't regenerate health automatically unless you eat a golden apple or use potions.
Golden apples now require ingots instead of nuggets
Regeneration potions require a gold block
A few other minor tweaks (tab shows health 20 {one for each Half Heart}, Timer on every 20 minute to break episodes out, etc)

Custom MF UHC includes
Zombies drop feather like the old days. :)
Spiders can drop coal, iron ore, and cobblestone.
Cavespiders can drop poison pots.

Custom Resource Pack:
1.7: http://adf.ly/whztO
1.8: http://adf.ly/whzwU

The Teams:

Team 1:
ABUDoctor:    / abudoctor  
TdubZ:    / tdubz83x  

Team 2:
WholeMilk:    / wholemilk  
Totan:    / totandies  

Team 3:
WaxoLP:    / waxolp  
Nickskibike:    / nickskibike  

Team 4:
Cheaptheif:    / cheapthiefhd  
Carljul:    / carljullp  


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