Invoked Engine Explained Very Quickly and Easily - Yugioh

Описание к видео Invoked Engine Explained Very Quickly and Easily - Yugioh

[What the engine does]
Normal summon Aleister The Invoker and use its effect to search Invocation from the deck. Then, link off Aleister into Salamangreat Almiraj and that into Secure Gardna. Activate Invocation to fuse away Gardna and the Aleister in your graveyard for Invoked Mechaba. Finally, use Invocation’s graveyard effect to shuffle itself back into the deck to bring you Aleister back to your hand from the banished zone.
For turn 3, you can then use Aleister to go into either Invoked Purgatrio or Invoked Augoeides to clear your opponent’s field and attack for game.
[What are the ratios?]
The most common way to run this engine is with three Aleister The Invoker, three Magical Meltdown, one Terraforming and two Invocation in the main deck. For the extra, you run two Invoked Mechaba, one Invoked Purgatrio, one Invoked Augoides for the fusions and one Salamangreat Almiraj plus a Secure Gardna for the links


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