Even Angels Fall - Donna Noble

Описание к видео Even Angels Fall - Donna Noble

Spoilers for S4 finale

Fandom: Doctor Who
Song: Even Angels Fall by Jessica Riddle
Summary: A tribute to Donna Noble, showing what happened to her while she travelled with the Doctor.

And like usual, Youtube murdered the quality sigh

So, I've wanted to vid Donna for a looong time and after the horrible thing that happened to her in the finale I knew I definitely HAD to make her a tribute video. I always thought my Donna tribute would be to a funnier song, but after the finale there had to be some angst in there. Anyway, I just thought this song fitted how Donna felt and what she experienced while travelling with the Doctor quite well, and although the song itself is quite shippy, the video isn't meant that way -- it's just about Donna's travels with lots of Doctor /Donna friendship.

And now it's time to make about a billion Doctor/Rose videos (I want to use that wonderful kiss!). Well, actually I made a D/R video before this one, it just won't render curses Vegas

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No copyright infringement intended


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