Presence, Parenting and The Planet | Dan Siegel | Talks at Google

Описание к видео Presence, Parenting and The Planet | Dan Siegel | Talks at Google

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., is an internationally acclaimed author, award-winning educator, and child psychiatrist. He is currently a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine. His books include "The Yes Brain," "Mindsight," "The Developing Mind, "The Mindful Therapist," "Parenting From the Inside Out," and "The Whole-Brain Child."

In this session, we will explore three key aspects of our children’s future that can help create the structure for effective parenting in our contemporary times. The field of attachment research reveals that parental presence—how a parent or other caregiver is open to and focused on the inner life of the child—is the best predictor of how emotionally and socially resilient a child will be as they develop into young adults. This parent-child relationship helps foster a secure attachment by providing the four S’s of being seen, soothed, and safe to cultivate security.

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