Op-amp Non-inverting Amplifier | Circuit Diag | Breadboard Wiring | Lab Experiment| Diploma | BTECH

Описание к видео Op-amp Non-inverting Amplifier | Circuit Diag | Breadboard Wiring | Lab Experiment| Diploma | BTECH

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Op-amp Non-inverting Amplifier | Circuit Diag | Breadboard Wiring | Lab Experiment| Diploma | BTECH

To design and setup a non-inverting amplifier circuit with OPAMP IC 741C for a gain
of 11, plot the waveform, observe the phase reversal, measure the gain.

Sl .No Name and Specification Quantity required
1 Dual power supply +/- 15V 1
2 Function generator (0 - 1MHz ) 1
3 Oscilloscope 1
4 Bread board 1
5 IC 741C 1
6 Resistors 2
7 Probes and connecting wires As required.


It is a linear closed loop mode application of op-amp and employs negative feedback.
The Rf and Ri are the feedback and input resistance of the circuit respectively. There will be
no phase difference between the output and input. Hence it is called non-inverting amplifier.
Av = Vo / Vin = 1+ Rf/ Ri ,
Here the +Ve sign indicates that the output will be an amplified wave in phase with
the input. By varying the Rf or Ri, the gain of the amplifier can be varied to any desired value.

1. Check the components.
2. Setup the circuit on the breadboard and check the connections.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Give 1 Vpp / 1 KHz sine wave as input.
5. Observe input and output on the two channels of the CRO simultaneously.
6. Note down and draw the input and output waveforms on the graph.
7. Verify the input and output waveforms are in phase.
8. Verify the obtained gain is same as designed value.

Gain of an inverting amplifier Av=Vo/Vin = 1+Rf/ Ri,
Let the required gain be 11,
Therefore Av= 1+Rf/ Ri= 11
Rf/ Ri = 10
Take Ri= 1KΩ, Then Rf = 10KΩ

Vin = 1Vpp
Vo = ?
Gain Av = Vo/Vin =?
Observed phase difference between the input and the output on the CRO =?


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